Saturday, 30 November 2013

how to secure your blog from hacker or scammer

Nobody wants to see their hard work maligned by a hacking attempt. Keeping your blog safe from mischievous hackers is possible by thinking ahead and ensuring that your data is as secure as you can make it. Here are a few of the ways to secure your blog.  
  1. Backup your blog regularly.                                                                                                      Don’t rely on your web host to back up your site.  It is your responsibility to backup your blog.  It you do get hacked you can go back to a previous non-hacked version.  I useBackup Buddy to back up all of my sites and love it.
  2. Keep your blog software,                                                                                                                 theme and plugins up-to-date.  In my experience most sites get hacked through outdated software.  If a theme or plugin you want to use hasn’t been updated in a while, you probably shouldn’t use it either.
  3. Remove unused themes and plugins immediately.   
  4. Remove all sites not currently active.                                                                                         Most web hosts allow you to run multiple sites from one account.  If you have a site that you are no longer using but is still active on your host, remove it.  Sites that are not active get neglected and not updated regularly. 
  5.   Hide everything                                                                                                                        You can hide your WordPress login and admin links so that hackers can’t find them.  Using the Better WP Securityplugin will help with this.
  6. Subscribe to WP Security Lock Email List.                                                                         You have to stay on top of what is having in the Internet hacking world.  If you are using WordPress, WP Security Lock is a great resource to find more ways to keep your site secure and to get notifications of when new vulnerabilities are found and how to fix them.
  7. Login securel                                                                                                                                     One way that hackers will steal your password is by intercepting it through the network while it is on its way to most blogs. You can solve this problem by installing the Chap Secure Login plugin. This plugin will automatically encrypt your password when you login, so the hackers will only be able to see your username.     
  8. Remove your version information                                                                                               Often, hackers will attack your site based on the version of the blog you are running. If they don't know which version you are running, they won't know how to attack your site. Install WP Security Scan to remove the identifying code from the header and feeds.
  9. Use strong password                                                                                                                         If your password is something like "wood floor", then it can be extremely easy for hackers to guess. They can often simply use a program which guesses your password based on dictionary entries. Create a lengthy password made up of upper and lower case letters, numbers and characters in no particular order and avoiding dictionary words.
  10. 2-Step Verification                                                                                                                           I did not enable to 2-Step Verification in my Blogger Account and that’s the reason am regretting today. Well, I STRONLY recommend you to enable 2-step verification to your blogger account. In 2-Step verification, it’s almost impossible for any person to break into your blogger account as it adds a strong layer of protection to your Blogger Account.
  11. Avoid giving Admin Rights to others                                                                                Well, I think that giving Admin Rights is quite unsafe nowadays. Because this online world is no more trust worthy. But still provide Admin Rights only if it’s really necessary urgent and only to trusted people. Giving Admin Rights to any Strange Person is very dangerous.
  12. Never forget to Sign out of your Account                                                                               Well, this is a common tip but can prove very dangerous if ignored. Always remember that you have sign out especially when using Public Computers.                       
  13.  Update plugins                                                                                                                             Many times, hackers will figure out how to gain access to your blog through a vulnerability in one of your plugins. The creators of these plugins often release updates that are more secure, which is something you should take advantage of by updating them regularly.                   
  14. Hide plugins                                                                                                                                   If the hackers don't know which plugins you have, then they won't know where to begin trying to hack your site. The way they find out which plugins you have is by looking in your /wpcontent/plugins directory. If you create a blank document, save it as index.html, and upload it to this directory, you can prevent anyone from accessing this information.
So, I hope that this article would help you to secure your Blogger blog and helps you and your blog to stay secure online.


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