Friday, 14 March 2014

Mechanical engineering short term course

There are many short term course for mechanical engineering.
some of courses are-

AutoCAD is the most powerful and the most popular AUTOMATIC COMPUTER AIDED Drafting Program. We want to help you unlock AutoCAD's power to do your designing and drafting work, quickly and easily.
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Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is the use of computer software to control machine tools and related machinery in the manufacturing of workpieces  CAM software companies.

Robotics is technology that deals with the design, construction, operation and application of robots. The term 'robotics' was coined by Isaac Asimov in his science fiction short story called 'Liar'.

Tool design is a specialized part of manufacturing engineering comprising the analysis, planning, design, devlopment and application of tool, mathods, and procedures necessary to increase manufacturing productivity.
>working knowledge of machine shp practices,
>tool making procedures,
>Machine tool design,
>manufacturing procedure and methods,
>Engineering drwing and cost analysis
>convertional engineering desiciplines of planning, desinging

MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a numerical computing environment and fourth-generation programming language. Developed by MathWorks, MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, C++, Java, and Fortran.

Numerical control (NC) is the automation of machine tools that are operated by precisely programmed commands encoded on a storage medium, as opposed to controlled manually via hand wheels or levers, or mechanically automated via cams alone. Most NC today is computer numerical control(CNC), in which computers play an integral part of the control.

HVAC (heatingventilation, and air conditioning) is the technology of indoor and vehicular environmental comfort. HVAC system design is a subdiscipline of mechanical engineering, based on the principles of thermodynamicsfluid mechanics, and heat transferRefrigeration is sometimes added to the field's abbreviation as HVAC&R or HVACR, or ventilating is dropped as in HACR (such as the designation of HACR-rated circuit breakers).
HVAC is important in the design of medium to large industrial and office buildings such as skyscrapers and in marine environments such as aquariums, where safe and healthy building conditions are regulated with respect to temperature and humidity, using fresh air from outdoors.

 piping is a system of pipes used to convey fluids (liquids and gases) from one location to another. The engineering discipline of piping design studies the efficient transport of fluid.
"Piping" sometimes refers to Piping Design, the detailed specification of the physical piping layout within a process plant or commercial building. In earlier days, this was sometimes called DraftingTechnical drawingEngineering Drawing, and Design but is today commonly performed by Designers who have learned to use automated Computer Aided Drawing / Computer Aided Design (CAD) software.

Nondestructive testing or Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a wide group of analysis techniques used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage.[1] The terms Nondestructive examination (NDE), Nondestructive inspection (NDI), and Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) are also commonly used to describe this technology.[2] Because NDT does not permanently alter the article being inspected, it is a highly valuable technique that can save both money and time in product evaluation, troubleshooting, and research. Common NDT methods include ultrasonicmagnetic-particleliquid penetrantradiographic, remote visual inspection (RVI), eddy-current testing,[1] and low coherence interferometry.[3][4]NDT is commonly used in forensic engineeringmechanical engineeringelectrical engineeringcivil engineeringsystems engineeringaeronautical engineeringmedicine, and art.

Control engineering or control systems engineering is the engineering discipline that applies control theory to design systems with desired behaviors. The practice uses sensors to measure the output performance of the device being controlled and those measurements can be used to give feedback to the input actuators that can make corrections toward desired performance. When a device is designed to perform without the need of human inputs for correction it is called automatic control (such as cruise control for regulating a car's speed). Multi-disciplinary in nature, control systems engineering activities focus on implementation of control systems mainly derived by mathematical modeling of systems of a diverse range.

UniGraphic is 100% committed to doing whatever it takes to exceed your expectations. Whether you need commercial printing, pre-press services, an experienced digital printer or a full-service mail house, you can count on one company to deliver on-time, affordable, high quality results. As a team, we've been pulling together to do just that for more than 45 years. We've been working diligently to win your complete satisfaction and to push the limits of our industry through innovative technology and hard work.

>>Quality Assurance vs Quality Control(QA/QC
QA/QC is the combination of quality assurance, the process or set of processes used to measure and assure the quality of a product, and quality control, the process of meeting products and services to consumer expectations.

Fluent" is the general name for the collection of computational fluid dynamics(CFD) programs sold by Fluent, Inc. of Lebanon, NH. The Mechanical Engineering Department at Penn State has a site license for Fluent, along with its family of programs. Up to 20 users can run Fluent simultaneously in the Graduate Computing Lab.
  • Gambit is the program used to generate the grid or mesh for the CFD solver.
  • Fluent is the CFD solver which can handle both structured grids, i.e. rectangular grids with clearly defined node indices, and unstructured grids. Unstructured grids are generally of triangular nature, but can also be rectangular. In 3-D problems, unstructured grids can consist of tetrahedrals (pyramid shape), rectangular boxes, prisms, etc.
  • Note: Since version 5.0, Fluent can solve both incompressible and compressible flows.
  • The normal procedure in any CFD problem is to first generate the grid (with Gambit), and then to run Fluent.


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