Sunday, 9 February 2014

How To Add Meta-Tags In Blogger Blog And Blog Post – Step By Step Guide

SEO Meta tags are very important for any blog so we give you how to ADD SEO Meta Tags Title, Description and Keywords in Blogger. Meta tags give all about documents and crawl by Google crawler in their search engine. Meta tags not display on the page but its show in search engine results of your website. Meta elements are show page description, keywords, author, author email and other metadata. Google bots read Meta tags of blog and give this information to Google search engine to show your website in Search Engine results Pages (SERP).

SEO Meta Tags

What are Meta-Tags? Why we use Keyword?

Meta-tags are Keyword that defines our site categories. Search engine always categories your site using Meta-tag and Meta description of your blogger blog or website. Suppose you are sharing SEO, Google, Computer, internet tips and tricks. That is your site meta-tags should be same from above. 

How to use keyword in Blogger blog?

Blogger is providing inbuilt functionality to put your Meta-Tags keyword and Meta description in your blog.

Method 1: add Meta tag in whole blogger blog

Rules to Add or Place Meta-tag in your blogger template

Meta-Tags will be defined using only meta name tag between <head> and </head> tag from your blogger template.
Ex: : <meta name=”” content=””/> 
Meta tag will be categories with its name, You have to declare main three meta tag in your blog.

Useful: Upload free blogger XML template step by step guide.

Step 1
Go Template > Edit HTML, More see in below screen.
add Meta-tags in blogger blog and blog post
add Meta-tags in blogger blog and blog post
Step 2
Find (Ctrl + F) “</head>” code and paste below code on before “</head>” tag.
Add Meta name in XML Blogger Template
Add Meta name in XML Blogger Template

<meta name="description" content="Adding pictures to your blog without using gadgets" />
<meta name="keywords" content=" SEO, Meta-Tags, Google, internet tips and tricks" />
<meta name="author" content="Jaysukh Patel" />

  • Description tag describe your overall blog definition in 160 word.
  • Keywords tag describe you blog category.
  • Author tag define actual blog’s author name.

Search engine always scan your blog xml design and read this Meta name and finally it will helps to boost search engine ranking and visitors from top most search engine Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Now your coding part is completed now you have to add Meta description in each blog post using below steps.

Method 2: add Meta tag in each blog post

Step 1
Go “Search preference” under the Dashboard > Settings > Search Preference. Click on edit.
add Meta-tags in blogger blog and blog post step 1
add Meta-tags in blogger blog and blog post step 1

Step 2
After Completing Step 1, Select Enable search description “yes”. And place your blog description in search text area.
add Meta-tags in blogger blog and blog post step 2
add Meta-tags in blogger blog and blog post step 2
Save you changes from below.

Step 3
Now you are able to add meta description in each blog post and publish time. 
add Meta-tags in blogger blog and blog post step 3
add Meta-tags in blogger blog and blog post step 3

That will be shown as summary of your article in search engine. See below careen.
Show meta tag description in search engine search result


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